No one – not the dying, not the outcast, not the mighty – transcends the need for human contact..”

— Irvin Yalom

Breaking the Cycle: Parents Group

This group supports parents who are trying to parent differently than they were parented. This includes helping break repetitive patterns of intergenerational trauma, and facilitating a nurturing, loving relationship with your children that is honest and committed to communication rather than punishment. If you feel motivated to build a loving and healthy relationship with your children, one that is different from your own childhood, this group is for you.

Group therapy is a highly effective form of therapy in which participants meet to discuss their inner worlds under the supervision of a therapist. As a parent who is also a clinician and a human, Dara has experience with the intensity of parenting and what it takes to disrupt the strong grip of intergenerational trauma.  

In this group we will work together to support you in gaining courage, facing your fears, and sharing the things you worry cannot be spoken about. Group therapy is a space for feelings that may be scary or even taboo. We often create change by speaking the unspeakable.


This group is for people with children younger than 18. Each participant will be screened and prepared carefully prior to the first group experience. After an initial 20 minutes consultation call, two to three 50 minute individual therapy sessions are scheduled with Dara so that participants and Dara can get acquainted and mutually assess whether participants will benefit from joining the group space. During this time Dara also prepare participants for the group experience.

There will be no more than 8 participants in the group.


The group meets on Fridays from 1 to 2:30 pm.


The sessions are held via telehealth in order to maximize convenience for participating parents


  • Each group session is $125.

  • There will be 2-3 individual preparation sessions. Each individual session is $190.

You will be provided with a superbill which depending on your plan could be reimbursed by your health insurance.


  • The group requires a weekly commitment

  • There will be some weeks off for holidays and vacation.